Frequently Asked Questions

The Technical Stuff

Can we host our own site?

If you are comfortable with managing your own server environment, this is a viable option!

Hosting your site on your own or a third party server is supported. Outlined below are requirements.


  • Create a media folder. This will be the folder where all images, audio and binary files will be stored. This folder should be named "mediafiles" or "_media". A folder named "media" may sometimes conflict with a top level navigation item with the same name.
  • Create a cache folder. Name the folder as follows: monkcache - make sure that ‘monkcache’ is in the Document Root of your web site and that it is world writable, i.e. chmod a+rw monkcache (via the FTP or SSH command interface). The system will also attempt to create this folder when the Monk system files are loaded.
  • Create an image cache folder. Name the folder as follows: monkimage - make sure that ‘monkimage’ is in the Document Root of your web site and that it is world writable, i.e. chmod a+rw monkcache (via the FTP or SSH command interface). The system will also attempt to create this folder when the Monk system files are loaded.
  • Make sure that your Web Host supports PHP5 and make sure that safe mode is not enabled. Any stable release of PHP5 will be supported. 
  • Make sure that your Web Host supports Mod Rewriting. For Apache this is quite simple as it is almost always included via the mod_rewrite module. For IIS special installs need to be made.
  • It is recommended but not required that the cURL module is enabled. The CMS will automatically detect if it is enabled.