Timberline Church

Timberline Church came with a new branding guide, wireframes, and a planned site map. Our Strategy and Design team worked with these assets to create a new site that appealed to their target audience, was family-friendly, and warm.


Ministry Landing and Detail

A custom landing page to highlight the overarching group and allow the visitor to filter by ministry. Ministry detail pages show ministry-specific CCB events, ways to engage, blog posts, faqs, and quotes.

CCB Integration

We’ve gotten rid of double entry by integrating with CCB. Events and Small Groups are pulled into Ekklesia 360 from CCB so that Timberline can add needed content fields while everything displays beautifully on their new site.

I’m New and Campus Landing

Timberline didn’t want their three locations to create confusion for someone initially landing on the site. We created a welcoming I’m New page with general information about the church, but also provided a campus selector that takes the visitor to a Campus Detail page for location, service times, and more.